Mail Art / Web Art

Mail Art is a populist artistic movement started by American artist, Ray Johnson, in the 1950s and continuing into the 60s.  The movement is based on the concept that art is created once it is sent via post to its audience and/or other artists.  The artwork can be multi-media and include drawings, images, postcards, rubber stamps, poetry, etc.

Like Mail Art, Web Art is similar in that the artists are relying on their interconnected networks of viewers as a means of sharing their artwork.  Mail Art and Web Art are about the exchange of work within a virtual community of participants.  Web art is an evolution of the Mail Art concept and the practice continues to this day.

In the example below, the artist, Chuck Welch, is using postal mail to make a political statement about gun control after the John Lennon shooting.


In keeping with the second-home-as-a-haven concept described in my Second Home-Finding Your Place in the Fun found book project, I choose to represent the concept of Mail Art / Web Art, by attaching images torn from the book to an addressed envelope.  I’ve also included many quotations on the envelope (mostly from Zig Ziglar) to promote ideas that can effect positive change in ones’ life.


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